
New updates and improvements to absentify

absentify introduces a "multiple approvers" feature for employee absences

New Admin Feature

We are excited to announce that absentify now supports multiple approvers for employee absences. This new feature is available in the business plan, in combination with the add-on for multiple managers.


With this new feature, you can set whether one or more approvers must approve an employee's absence, and whether all of them must approve or if it suffices that only one person approves. Additionally, you can set whether all approvers are asked at the same time, or whether it's done consecutively.


For example, if you determine that three managers must approve an absence request and all are asked after each other, then each manager will receive a request for approval in turn. If one manager declines the request, then it will be rejected. If all three managers approve the request, then it will be approved.


We understand the importance of flexibility and customization when it comes to managing employee absences. This new feature will give you more control over the approval process, enabling you to tailor it to your specific needs.


Please note that this feature is only available in the business plan with the add-on for multiple managers.


If you have any feedback, please feel free to post it here:


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