
New updates and improvements to absentify

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absentify introduces Microsoft Teams Push Notifications

New Admin Feature
New Feature

We are thrilled to announce that as of today, absentify will be sending all notifications not only via email, but also via Microsoft Teams push notifications. This new feature is available in all absentify plans, including the free version!


One of the major advantages of this feature is that it enables employees to manage their absences and allowances without having to leave Microsoft Teams. Once push notifications are enabled, team members can easily view, approve or reject absence requests and update their holiday allowances directly from the Microsoft Teams interface.


To activate push notifications, an absentify admin needs to give permission to the Microsoft API. You can find this option under "Settings/Microsoft" in your absentify dashboard. Once activated, push notifications will be enabled for the whole company, making it easier for everyone to keep track of employee absences and allowances in real time.


We understand the importance of timely communication and are committed to providing you with the best tools to manage employee absences effectively. This new feature enables you to receive notifications instantly, helping you stay on top of your team's absences and manage them more efficiently.


We hope you find this new feature useful, as we strive to always improve absentify to meet your needs!


If you have any feedback, please feel free to post it here: 


Thank you for choosing absentify!