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absentify Webinar with Microsoft's Bill Spencer now available on YouTube

New Admin Feature
New Feature

We are excited to announce that absentify recently hosted a webinar with Bill Spencer from Microsoft! The webinar covered best practices for managing employee absences and how absentify can integrate with Microsoft Teams to streamline the process.


We are pleased to inform you that the webinar recording is now available on our YouTube channel. Check out the video below:

The webinar covered a range of topics, including how to use absentify to manage employee absences and allowances, how to set up and customize approval workflows and how to integrate absentify with Microsoft Teams for a seamless user experience.


We hope you find the webinar informative and helpful in managing employee absences more effectively. We are committed to providing you with the best tools and resources to help you streamline your HR processes and improve your team's productivity.


Thank you for choosing absentify!