
New updates and improvements to absentify

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Synchronize other calendars (e.g. Outlook Shared Calendar)

New Admin Feature
New Feature


You can now synchronize additional calendars in the business plan. This includes synchronizing one or more Outlook shared calendar or keep any calendar in sync via an iCal invitation (e.g., a Google calendar).




You can select an Outlook calendar for which you have write permissions. From there, you can choose the department from which the absences will be synchronized to your chosen calendar. Likewise, you can also set a filter for only certain types of leave. Furthermore, you can individually configure the display name of the absence.


If you do not have the ability to give absentify the rights allowing us to write directly in the Outlook calendar, then not to worry; you can easily specify an email address where we can send a calendar invitation with the same functions. (There is an option in many calendars to automatically accept invitations from specific people).


If you have any further ideas or suggestions for improvement, feel free to send us a message here: 


In the business-plan, you have one configuration synchronization included. If you want to fill multiple calendars, you can buy an add-on.