Feature Ideas

Feature suggestions for absentify.com 🚀

  1. Cancellation of individual days

    It should be possible to cancel individual days of vacation (instead of just the whole vacation). This should also be possible for managers and admins for past holidays. One implementation idea would be to be able to choose between the entire vacation and individual days when canceling vacation, and then select these specifically.

    Christian L
    #Improvement 👍


  2. The ability to change your absence markings without cancelling them

    I would like to see an option to change your absence markings without cancelling them. I.e. when you try to change (shift) your vacation, you have to cancel the whole thing and start over.

    Vaintola J
    #Improvement 👍


  3. Recurring events/appointments as a series

    Would like to be able to create a series of an appointment/s like Outlook allows us to.

    Aziz, Masi | f
    #Improvement 👍


  4. Upload attachments to each request

    For example, if you're booking time off as a sick day, you can include a photo of a doctor's note. 🤢 Only admin and the manager can see this attachment.

    Marc Hochleutner
    #Improvement 👍#Business Plan 🏷


  5. Dark Mode!

    If would be great to have a Dark Mode option... It's the in thing these days and looks cool!

    James A
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  6. "Carry Forward" - Deadline

    Unused vacation days can only be taken to the next year until a certain deadline. Afterwards they will be cancelled.

    Maximilian F


  7. Create app available with Apple/Android

    It would be great to have an app so that employees could easily request of through app.

    Crunkleton, E
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Print out period- all absents

    Really need a function where you can print out (pdf?) all absences for a period, eg week or month.

    Lotta R
    #Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  9. print annual calendar of users/

    It will be nice if can print the annual calendar of each user separately, perhaps as a pdf file.

    Kyriacos N
    #Improvement 👍


  10. Show absence in the shift planner

    Is synchronization with the Microsoft shift planner possible and if not, is this option planned?

    Oliver F


  11. Ability to change Public Holiday icon

    The public holiday icon shoud be customizable, just as the leave types are. The current color is too similar to the weekends. It's not so clear.

    Lorin D
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  12. Users should not see the leave of other colleagues, even if they are in the same department.

    For privacy and data protection. Restrict users to see only their calendar.

    Simon C


  13. Export database settings (users, leave types etc...) and calendar

    For governance & admin purpose, we need to export in excel all users settings / Leave types that are set in absentify for managers to check all settings linked to the users in a rapid way. It is too painful to check in absentify. Also, it is necessary to export the calendars even though there are no leaves entered. Allow to choose a time frame with start date and end date for export as we have no choice but to export the full year or 1 month This is necessary for big companies if we want to onboard more departments

    Dao, L
    #Improvement 👍#Enterprise Plan 🏷


  14. Same date format throughout the app.

    When the date format is changed to dd/mm/yyyy (or any otther format), it should be displayed in the new format throughout the whole app. Currently, when in the leave request window for approval, the date still appears in the old format.

    Simon C


  15. HR-Freigabemanager nicht auf jeder Abteilungsübersicht einblenden

    Bei unserer Unternehmung muss am Ende des Freigabeprozesses die Fachleitung HR alle Anträge genehmigen. Dafür haben wir bei den Abteilungen diese Person jeweils noch als Manager hinzugefügt. Systemtechnisch funktioniert dies einwandfrei. Bei den Kalenderübersichten erscheint diese Person jedoch in jeder Abteilung, was nicht optimal ist. Ideal wäre, wenn die Anzeige bei den Kalenderübersichten noch manuell durch den Administrator übersteuert werden könnte.

    Frey J
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Welcome 👋
