Feature Ideas

Feature suggestions for absentify.com 🚀

  1. School Holidays marked in bar above week days

    We are a company with many employees with school kids. When we plan our holiday with absentify it would be usefull to see, when the school holidays in our country/state are starting and ending. It should work similar to the public holidays. maybe the days in the bar of the week days should be marked with school holiday when you choose for example germany / lower saxony in the settings. thanks

    Albert G
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  2. Zeiterfassung

    Ich weiß, dass absentify ein Tool zur Abwesenheitsplanung ist, aber ich würde es grandios finden, wenn es eine Art Zeiterfassung geben könnte, die mit absentify kommuniziert. Egal welches Tool ich mir anschaue, ich müsste meine geplanten Abwesenheiten manuell in der Zeiterfassung pflegen. Ich weiß, dass es hier gewiss Möglichkeiten gibt - insbesondere mit PowerApps und PowerAutomate - aber eine vollintegrierte Lösung finde ich einfach besser. In unserem Fall würden wir auch nur die simpelste aller Zeiterfassungen benötigen: Ein- und Ausstempeln. Und natürlich ein Auswertungstool für den Mitarbeiter selbst und für die Admins, die alles einsehen können. --- Translation via ChatGPT: I know that absentify is a tool for absence planning, but I would find it fantastic if there could be some sort of time tracking that communicates with absentify. No matter which tool I look at, I would have to manually maintain my planned absences in the time tracking system. I know there are certainly possibilities here—especially with PowerApps and PowerAutomate—but I just find a fully integrated solution better. In our case, we would only need the simplest form of time tracking: clocking in and out. And of course, a reporting tool for the employees themselves and for the admins who can view everything.

    Schröder J
    #Improvement 👍#Business Plan 🏷#Enterprise Plan 🏷


  3. Would be great if one can block specific days for Home Office or Vacation

    Would be great if one can block specific days for Home Office or Vacation. So when a day comes up where people need to be in the office (important onsite meetings, trainings etc.) people are not able to track an abscence

    Pohle E
    #Improvement 👍


  4. Cancellation of individual days

    It should be possible to cancel individual days of vacation (instead of just the whole vacation). This should also be possible for managers and admins for past holidays. One implementation idea would be to be able to choose between the entire vacation and individual days when canceling vacation, and then select these specifically.

    Christian L
    #Improvement 👍


  5. The ability to change your absence markings without cancelling them

    I would like to see an option to change your absence markings without cancelling them. I.e. when you try to change (shift) your vacation, you have to cancel the whole thing and start over.

    Vaintola J
    #Improvement 👍


  6. A list of birthdays and reminders to management 1 week before

    Managers will know of staff birthdays a week before and can remember to get a card basically! It would be helpful to have the option where, birthdays count as a day off for the employee, block the day out automatically, but without deducting from annual leave allowance.

    Steven M


  7. Planned absence

    Provide possibility to " plan " absences (display as " planned absence "). Or display absences that have not yet started as "planned" in the individual contingent overview.

    Tanja V
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Full size overview

    With many people it would be easier to get an overview when I can push a button "full view" or similar. There is too much space above and between the persons. So it would be great, if I could choose between an normal and condensated view.

    David S
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  9. Sync Birthdays to Outlook calendar

    Almost mist one of our employees birthday today. Would it be possible to select sync of birthdays?

    Derek B
    #Improvement 👍


  10. DATEV-Schnittstelle

    Es wäre wünschenswert eine DATEV-Schnittstelle zu implementieren

    Sebastian S
    #Integrations 🔗#Enterprise Plan 🏷


  11. Add a Tab "My requests"

    In this page, we could see all the requests we have made, with a filter to see which have been accepted, refused or pending. With the possibility of deleting pending requests.

    Gregory S
    #Improvement 👍


  12. Possibility to add multiple entries in a period

    Hi, we started using Absentify to manage absence request and we also want to use it has a capacity planner. We will need to be able to add multiple entries (half or full day) in the same period. For example a user can be in an project for the day (no deduction) but also be noted that he will be on phone support (on-call duty). This possibility would be greatly appreciated.

    Lionel L
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  13. Night shift.

    Make it easier to create a night shift in the schedule. Currently it doesn't allow you to make one very easilly

    Caleb H
    #Improvement 👍


  14. Insights suggestion and feedback.

    Already given 1 about the link to a users 'My Calendars' when they appear on the burnout board. Can be placed on the right as it's own button, or the user names could be hyperlinks. column names: The columns on the burnout board could have names (it is unclear that the 'allowance left' column is actually that users allowance left, it can only be figured out by inference.). Burnout board could show sick days taken, often burnout and sick days go hand in hand. Burnout board obviously shows upcoming absences, but it should also show the leave type for the absence as some leave types are still work, but off site such as off-sight training or working from home. (Might need to split last absent and next absent into 2 different columns for this) Alternative to the above; in leave type settings, give an option to include some in the calculation of burnout, and others not. add a Monthly 'My calendar' view: in the 'annual trend', I reckon it'd be interesting if you could click on the month you want to see in more detail, and it takes you into a 'My calendar' sort of view, that shows you all of the holidays being taken that month. For large companies, I understand this would just mean that the whole thing is showing 'holiday', but you could filter by department, and you could hover over specific dates, which would then pop up showing who has holiday booked on that day. In terms of different leave types, You might have to have the colour of that date be the dominant leave type (for example 3 people = holiday = green, 2 people = working home = yellow, date = green). But then when you hover over the date, and it shows the people absence, it could also show which leave type they used on that date too. The Annual trend should not duplicate holidays for users that are in multiple departments when viewing 'All departments'. Insights to show times of year when the most people are off at the same time: maybe top 5 weeks which had/have the most amount of employees off. That is all for now, if I think of any others, I'll add them into comments. Please other people rate these in different ideas in comments, and give your own suggestions.

    Caleb H
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨#Misc 🤷


  15. Insights annual trend duplication

    Within insights you have annual trend, but everything is duplicated for when people are in two departments. It should be done per person not per department. For example, in September, 1 person took 2 sick days, but because he is in two different departments, on the annual trend it's showing as 4 sick days in September. This does not give an accurate depiction of an annual trend if everything is duplicated.

    Caleb H
    #Improvement 👍#Misc 🤷#Bug 🐛
