Feature Ideas

Feature suggestions for absentify.com 🚀

  1. Admin Override 'Maximum Absent' Requests

    Admin's should be able to submit leave requests on behalf of staff members that would breach the 'Maximum Absent' rules.

    Mike D
    #Improvement 👍


  2. Recurring events/appointments as a series

    Would like to be able to create a series of an appointment/s like Outlook allows us to.

    Aziz, Masi | f
    #Improvement 👍#Essentials Plan 🏷#Pro Plan 🏷


  3. Multiple entry to same period

    We will need to be able to add multiple entries (hours, half or full day) in the same period. For example a user can be in an project for the day (no deduction) but also be noted that he will be on phone support (on-call duty). This possibility would be greatly appreciated.

    Lionel L
    #Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔#Integrations 🔗


  4. Calender visible before start date and after end date

    Why there is calender before start date and after end date for every employee. Why leaves can be marked before he was even joined! Same problem is there after end date! Dates must be grayed out beyond employee's tenure and must not be accesible! It's hard to identify as well when someone have joined and left unless i check it in settings as an admin.

    Sahil M
    #Improvement 👍


  5. Overtime and recovery hours

    Allow overtime to be added in a separate counter and then the emplyees can subtract the recup hours from this.

    Quincy Van K
    #Improvement 👍


  6. School Holidays marked in bar above week days

    We are a company with many employees with school kids. When we plan our holiday with absentify it would be usefull to see, when the school holidays in our country/state are starting and ending. It should work similar to the public holidays. maybe the days in the bar of the week days should be marked with school holiday when you choose for example germany / lower saxony in the settings. thanks

    Albert G
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  7. View Overview like My calendar

    Have the ability to change the "view" of the "overview" page to look more like the "My Calendar" page - i.e. like a typical calendar

    Stephen S
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Scroll left and right in overview

    Add scroll left and right bar to the overview page to make it possible to scroll continuously through the months. Currently, only the arrows are available and you can only view one month at a time.

    Joana A
    #Improvement 👍


  9. Minimum present option

    You obviously have the Maximum absent, which is great, but if your department is growing, then you might have to keep changing the maximum absent so that more people can be absent. So to take this extra manual management, you could create a 'minimum present'. This would mean that any number of people can be absent at 1 time, but a minimum of, say, 2 people have to be present. This is is most useful is your maximum absent is setso that all but 2 people can be absent or something.

    Caleb H
    #Improvement 👍#Essentials Plan 🏷


  10. Distinguishing expiration of holiday

    Hi, We currently have two departments representing two distinct countries where employees are located. In each country the expiration of holiday are different. When setting up the expiration , it set it up for all department the same, is it possible to set expiration either per employee or per department ?

    Sarah N
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  11. Please add function of multi level sub department with access control

    Louie C
    #Improvement 👍#Welcome 👋


  12. First to approve

    It would be possible to add two approvers at the same level and have the request accepted as soon as one of the two agrees. first approver second - second bis approver

    Matteo M
    #Improvement 👍#Essentials Plan 🏷#Pro Plan 🏷


  13. Fading out the managers in the departments

    It would be useful if you could set that the managers are not displayed in all departments.

    Prothmann, B


  14. Customizable text in OOO signatures

    Hi all, Our formatting for the mail signatures is different from the mail body formatting. It is smaller and has a different color. It would be really nice and would look more professional if the formatting of the out-of-office text could be edited. So the text would be standard formatting and our signature would be a different formatting. Directly in Outlook, this is possible. Unfortunately, today this is not possible with the absentify out-of-office integration. Thanks and best regards, Reto

    Boenzli R
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  15. Cancellation of individual days

    It should be possible to cancel individual days of vacation (instead of just the whole vacation). This should also be possible for managers and admins for past holidays. One implementation idea would be to be able to choose between the entire vacation and individual days when canceling vacation, and then select these specifically.

    Christian L
    #Improvement 👍
