The ability to change your absence markings without cancelling them
I would like to see an option to change your absence markings without cancelling them. I.e. when you try to change (shift) your vacation, you have to cancel the whole thing and start over.
Vaintola J#Improvement 👍13
Cancellation of individual days
It should be possible to cancel individual days of vacation (instead of just the whole vacation). This should also be possible for managers and admins for past holidays. One implementation idea would be to be able to choose between the entire vacation and individual days when canceling vacation, and then select these specifically.
Christian L#Improvement 👍47
Recurring events/appointments as a series
Would like to be able to create a series of an appointment/s like Outlook allows us to.
Aziz, Masi | f#Improvement 👍21
Upload attachments to each request
For example, if you're booking time off as a sick day, you can include a photo of a doctor's note. 🤢 Only admin and the manager can see this attachment.
Marc Hochleutner#Improvement 👍#Essentials Plan 🏷8
request is pending till approved
User request for holiday should not change their allowance balance until the request is approved. plus the icon should be a pending request icon which changes to an approved request icon help the user visually see if their request has been approved - they may miss the email.
Stevan A5
Planned absence
Provide possibility to " plan " absences (display as " planned absence "). Or display absences that have not yet started as "planned" in the individual contingent overview.
Tanja V#Improvement 👍5
Filter and sort people in the overview
In the overview, it would be great to be able to sort (for example : sorting people by their last names instead of their first names, by the number of holidays remaining or based on their positions) and filter people (to select manually only some people of the team, the ones with a similar position for example). Thank you
Clerc F#Improvement 👍3
Due to events in the year, it would be useful to define dates when vacations cannot be taken. It would be useful if it can be defined which type of absences cannot be taken during the blocking dates.
Samuel B#Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔#Essentials Plan 🏷10
Representative logic
Not only the approver has to approve an absence request. It is also possible to configure that a substitute must be selected for each request. It can be configured whether the requester can select a substitute from a pool, or whether he or she is free to choose one. In this process, the representative gets a request when the representative approves, only then the request goes to the approver.
Marc Hochleutner#Improvement 👍#Essentials Plan 🏷3
Create app available with Apple/Android
It would be great to have an app so that employees could easily request of through app.
Crunkleton, E#Improvement 👍4
Set Allowance to move forward based on when employment starts
There seems to be no way to set when time off allowances and how they move forward per person. our policy is to give vacation days based on when the person started employment. Perhaps I'm missing something, if so It's not clear how to accomplish this.
Angelo G#Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔13
School Holidays marked in bar above week days
We are a company with many employees with school kids. When we plan our holiday with absentify it would be usefull to see, when the school holidays in our country/state are starting and ending. It should work similar to the public holidays. maybe the days in the bar of the week days should be marked with school holiday when you choose for example germany / lower saxony in the settings. thanks
Albert G#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗9
Full size overview
With many people it would be easier to get an overview when I can push a button "full view" or similar. There is too much space above and between the persons. So it would be great, if I could choose between an normal and condensated view.
David S#Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨4
Show absence in the shift planner
Is synchronization with the Microsoft shift planner possible and if not, is this option planned?
Oliver F4
Notify admin when holiday is approved
Would be useful for the HR admin to know that holiday has been booked. Either as a notification in the app or via email.
Laura E6