Feature Ideas

Feature suggestions for absentify.com 🚀

  1. Cancellation of individual days

    It should be possible to cancel individual days of vacation (instead of just the whole vacation). This should also be possible for managers and admins for past holidays. One implementation idea would be to be able to choose between the entire vacation and individual days when canceling vacation, and then select these specifically.

    Christian L
    #Improvement 👍


  2. The ability to change your absence markings without cancelling them

    I would like to see an option to change your absence markings without cancelling them. I.e. when you try to change (shift) your vacation, you have to cancel the whole thing and start over.

    Vaintola J
    #Improvement 👍


  3. Create app available with Apple/Android

    It would be great to have an app so that employees could easily request of through app.

    Crunkleton, E
    #Improvement 👍


  4. Filter and sort people in the overview

    In the overview, it would be great to be able to sort (for example : sorting people by their last names instead of their first names, by the number of holidays remaining or based on their positions) and filter people (to select manually only some people of the team, the ones with a similar position for example). Thank you

    Clerc F
    #Improvement 👍


  5. Filter Date on Overview Tab

    Hello, Maybe best to add some adjustments to the date filter on the overview tab so we can filter custom dates as required right now it the overview displays date from today up to 2 weeks. we need to be able to filter it by current work week , starting Monday for example

    Sarah C


  6. Accommodation for adjusted working days where Sat/Sun may be a working day

    Certain countries or industries have the need for adjusted working days. The odd Saturday or Sunday here and there that is a work day(s)

    Ernest H
    #Improvement 👍


  7. Move "Next Month" label

    In the Overview window, when toggling though the months using the arrows. The label for the arrows appear with either "Next Month" or "Previous". These labels obscure the current dates in view. When trying to move through several months, this means you need to move away from the arrow to see which month your currently viewing.

    #Improvement 👍


  8. Upload attachments to each request

    For example, if you're booking time off as a sick day, you can include a photo of a doctor's note. 🤢 Only admin and the manager can see this attachment.

    Marc Hochleutner
    #Improvement 👍#Business Plan 🏷


  9. request is pending till approved

    User request for holiday should not change their allowance balance until the request is approved. plus the icon should be a pending request icon which changes to an approved request icon help the user visually see if their request has been approved - they may miss the email.

    Stevan A


  10. "Carry Forward" - Deadline

    Unused vacation days can only be taken to the next year until a certain deadline. Afterwards they will be cancelled.

    Maximilian F


  11. School Holidays marked in bar above week days

    We are a company with many employees with school kids. When we plan our holiday with absentify it would be usefull to see, when the school holidays in our country/state are starting and ending. It should work similar to the public holidays. maybe the days in the bar of the week days should be marked with school holiday when you choose for example germany / lower saxony in the settings. thanks

    Albert G
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  12. Full size overview

    With many people it would be easier to get an overview when I can push a button "full view" or similar. There is too much space above and between the persons. So it would be great, if I could choose between an normal and condensated view.

    David S
    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  13. Print out period- all absents

    Really need a function where you can print out (pdf?) all absences for a period, eg week or month.

    Lotta R
    #Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  14. Add Noticeboard where organisation leave rules can be posted as static content.

    A noticeboard where the rules per leave type can be loaded as static content would assist new and casual employees on what kind of absences they can take and the rules for each one. For example. if one is calling in sick - the noticeboard can have something that says notify your line manager by 9am or if one is booking sick leave for more than two days, they would know they need to bring a doctor's letter on return to duties. It can be just an additional tab on the app and the main administrator has access to update the tab.

    Sam | O
    #Improvement 👍


  15. Update Vacation Allotment Balance After Every Payroll with Excel Import

    Allotments are not static in reality. They are constantly changing such as when people reach years of service milestones. There could also be utilization that occurs that is captured by the payroll process but not captured by the Absentify request process. It would be helpful if we could upload a CSV or Excel after every payroll to adjust the allotment to the current existing balance. This would be similar to the user upload that exists at setup. There just needs to be an excel template with the user connecting field (User ID or Name) and the Allotment. We would export from our payroll software the current allotment/vacation balance and import it into the system. Users would then have accurate information as to the current balance of vacation. Managers would also have more reliable data for approving requests. The main benefit of an Excel upload rather than an integration is that there is such a significant number of payroll software that you will impact a greater number of users by utilizing a common platform like Excel Upload.

    Blake S
    #Improvement 👍#Business Plan 🏷
